Fatty Liver Lifestyle Changes: Do This to Reverse Your Condition

lifestyle changes for fatty liver disease

There are many lifestyle changes that can help you reverse fatty liver disease including diet changes, weight loss, eliminating alcohol consumption, exercising, getting regular sleep, and adding supplements. By changing your lifestyle, you can help prevent fatty liver disease from consuming your life. And, let me tell you based on my own experience, being diagnosed … Read more

This Is Why Intermittent Fasting Is Good for a Fatty Liver

intermittent fasting for fatty liver disease

Key Takeaways Intermittent fasting has become more and more popular recently, but is it something you should do if you have been diagnosed with a fatty liver disease? While more research is needed, many experts believe that fasting is good for reversing fatty liver as it helps reduce the amount of fat in the liver, … Read more

12 Delicious Fatty Liver Breakfast Ideas

fatty liver breakfast ideas

I am here to share a bunch of fatty liver breakfast ideas to not only help you eat healthier food that helps with your reversal of MASLD (formerly NAFLD), but also to prove that it’s still possible to have a really varied diet with fatty liver disease. I also have a suggested weekly meal plan … Read more

The Best Fatty Liver Diet: Modified Mediterranean Diet

Photo showing the best foods to eat for reversing fatty liver disease

One of the most important steps that you should take in your quest to reverse fatty liver disease is changing your diet. This is what helped me cure my fatty liver and I will share with you the exact things I ate in today’s article. Although there is a general consensus regarding the foods to … Read more

Is Protein Powder Good if You Have a Fatty Liver Disease?

Is Protein Powder Good if You Have a Fatty Liver Disease

After being diagnosed with NAFLD, have you been warned against eating almost everything to the extent of confusion? This article is for you, as it is going to shed some light on protein powder consumption if you have a fatty liver disease. I will share with you both my own experience, as well as scientifically … Read more

Best Fatty Liver Diet Approach: Cook Your Own Food!

There are just a bunch of foods to cut off your diet when dealing with a fatty liver, but this doesn’t mean that everything else is permitted or can’t cause further damage to your liver, especially if you don’t eat those with moderation in mind. Basically, after talking to different doctors and spending countless hours … Read more