Bananas are some of the most frowned-upon fruits when it comes to fatty liver disease. The main reason why most people tell you to stay away from bananas is the high amount of carbs (aka sugars) they contain.
And while this is indeed correct – bananas have a lot of sugar – they are not as bad as some try to make them seem. Today, we’ll look at the whys and answer the burning question in the title: Are bananas good or bad for those with fatty liver disease?
You can eat bananas if you have fatty liver disease but don’t have more than one per day. Despite the high carb content, bananas are good for the liver thanks to their high nutrient value, offering plenty of Potassium, Magnesium, and Vitamins C & B6.
Fruits are extremely important when it comes to your quest of reversing fatty liver and I disagree with those who say that you should completely cut off fruits from your diet. Many other health experts and nutritionists agree with this too. You can read more about fatty liver and eating fruits here.
Even the sweetest fruits are still better than most other food choices especially those with added sugar (basically any kind of sweets you can get in a store or even prepare at home).
Humans have been eating fruits for tens of thousands of years and our bodies have adapted to processing them – and their sugar – better than processed foods.
Also, there are not just sugars in fruits: they offer a healthy mix of nutrients, including minerals and vitamins but also fiber, antioxidants, and all sorts of goodies, depending on the fruit. All of these make the sugar itself release at slower rates and overall, less harmful.
But… back to bananas!
Bananas and MASLD: Nutritional information
Everybody probably knows already, bananas do have a lot of sugar. This is undeniable and it’s probably what makes them so tasty and enjoyable in the first place, right?
But, as I said, that’s not all. Let’s take a look at the nutritional information of a regular, medium banana, according to Google:
So looking at the numbers above, we can see that they are not as scary as some say.
Yes, there are plenty of carbs there, but less than 14% is actual sugar (most likely under the form of fructose, which is the natural sugar in fruits) and quite a bit of dietary fiber.
These dietary fibers lower your cholesterol levels and some consider them helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.
For example, white bread has LESS fiber than bananas do (per 100 grams). This is why I recommend going for keto bread alternatives if you have a fatty liver disease.
Also, we can see that one banana also has around 450 mg of Potassium, an extremely important mineral for our bodies, plus high amounts of vitamin C and B6, as well as other minerals.
One banana fills me up better than other fruits – and keeps me full for longer periods. For example, one medium apple can have more sugar than a banana does, but it doesn’t fill you up just as much!
Oranges have fewer carbs, that is true – but they also don’t manage to make you feel full for just as long. And this should be considered as well, in my opinion: how long you feel full afterward.
Finally, you can use a whole banana as a sweetener in various foods (like banana bread or other healthy desserts for fatty liver). You no longer add sugar, as bananas are sweet enough and have a pleasant aroma.
Can you eat bananas if you have a fatty liver?
After looking at the facts and data, we can definitely say that you can indeed eat bananas if you have a fatty liver.
While I wouldn’t go as far as saying that they are “good” for MASLD (NAFLD) and that you should eat them daily, I don’t believe that you should completely take them out of the menu as part of the required lifestyle changes to reverse your condition.
It’s preferable to eat one banana or any other fruit instead of other processed foods, especially sweet snacks, chocolate bars and such.
I believe that you can safely include bananas in your diet for NAFLD (you can find out more about my recommended diet here). I have reversed my fatty liver without completely eliminating them from my diet.
During the first 3 months after being diagnosed, I ate very few bananas because I read in many places that they should be avoided. Probably one per week, so you can do the same and still be on the safe side.
However, after three months and more research, I started eating more bananas. Now, I am eating one banana as a snack between the main meals regularly. I usually eat one banana per day, but sometimes two bananas without any problems.
I still managed to reverse my fatty liver, which is an additional proof that eating bananas is definitely not the end of the world and not something that would prevent you from reversing this condition.
Just make sure that overall, at the end of the day, you don’t go above your daily threshold of carbs (read here how much sugar to eat per day).
So the key here is, just like with most things related to curing a fatty liver: moderation.
And always choose a fruit over cakes, cookies or candies as they are the healthier option and they still satisfy our sweet tooth, better than we might think they do.
Are there any other types of foods that you are curious about? Let me know by posting your comments below.
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I was diagnosed with a fatty liver back in 2014 and managed to reverse it by mid-2015. Since then, I’ve been studying it, continuously updating my knowledge with the latest scientific findings and practical approaches to give others the help they need to reverse their condition.
My approach to managing fatty liver is holistic, balancing scientifically-backed information with real-life, practical advice based on personal, direct experience.
I am also the admin of the Fatty Liver Support Group on Facebook and the Fatty Liver Subreddit.
What do you think about maple syrup as a sweetener for coffee?
It has almost as many carbs as sugar, so you should still use it with caution and moderation if you can’t do without it.
It’s very nice a person like you and heartily sharing to others that really in need for your great success of reversing fatty liver..
I have blood works done and my Doctor’s said, I have Liver enzymes elevated….So, I started searching online information on how to cure or lower liver enzymes… I got some good information about some fruits and nuts like; Walnuts, Almonds. Grapefruits and Coffe without Milk and sugar are good to detox liver.. I hope, you can give me more information about healthy diet and the right food to eat to back to normal healthy body..
My Name is Arman from Las Vegas
Thank you so much and God Bless you
Maple syrup usually has high fructose corn syrup, so I wouldn’t touch it. It’s definitely the wrong kind of sugar to stick in your body.
I’d like to know your opinion on toritilla chips. I love Doritos Dippas. I usually eat them without any salsa, but occasionally I eat them with a natural, low-salt guacamole. Thanks