Fatty Liver Disease & Tylenol / Paracetamol: Can You Take It? [Answered]

tylenol and fatty liver disease

When it comes to pain relief for fatty liver, our options are limited. And when it comes to Tylenol or Paracetamol or acetaminophen in general, you might receive conflicting information. Today, I am addressing this issue by bringing you the answer to this important question: is Tylenol aka Paracetamol safe to take if you are … Read more

Five Warning Signs that You Might Have a Fatty Liver

warning signs of a fatty liver disease

While most people visiting this blog have already been diagnosed with a fatty liver disease, some only have one or more symptoms or just signs that they might have one. Today, I am sharing with you the top five warning signs of a fatty liver – signs that you shouldn’t ignore. The sooner you get … Read more

Is Air Fried Food Good for Fatty Liver Disease? [Answered]

is air fried food good for fatty liver disease

We have to change our way of eating and cooking after being diagnosed with a fatty liver – that is a known fact. This means that eating some of the foods we used to eat – like deep fried ones – is no longer possible. But, at the same time, we’d like our food to … Read more

Fatty Liver and Fatigue: What’s the Connection?

fatty liver fatigue

If you’re feeling tired throughout the day and get sleepy faster than usually, this might be one of the symptoms or effects of your fatty liver. Today, we’ll learn why does fatty liver cause fatigue and what to do about it. There are many other things that could be behind extreme fatigue but a fatty … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Reverse Fatty Liver?

how long to reverse fatty liver

Once the initial shock of knowing you have NAFLD is over, one extremely important question takes its place: How long does it take to reverse fatty liver? The amount of time required to reverse your fatty liver can vary from a few months to a couple of years. It is influenced by various things, like … Read more

Can Fatty Liver Disease Be Cured?

Can you cure fatty liver disease

One of the most common questions that I receive via email, my Fatty Liver Support group on Facebook or in person is this: “Can you cure a fatty liver?” (aka “Can you reverse MASLD?”) There’s a short, sweet answer than can be offered to this question: “Yes!” But today, we’re going to go a bit … Read more

Is Fatty Liver Contagious? (Or NASH?)

is fatty liver disease contagious

With other liver-related diseases being contagious (like hepatitis), some people are wondering whether if a fatty liver is contagious or not. The same question goes about NASH – is it contagious or not? And in today’s article, we’re going to talk about this, so that you have no questions left unanswered. And I will start … Read more