Amazing, Healthy Snack Ideas for Fatty Liver Disease

healthy snack ideas for fatty liver disease

When I speak with people diagnosed with a fatty liver disease, their main complaint is that their diet is extremely restrictive and they feel like they don’t have anything to eat. You will see that is not necessarily true – not even when it comes to snacks, although most of the things we used to … Read more

Fatty Liver Dinner Ideas: Healthy, Liver-Friendly Recipes

healthy dinner ideas for fatty liver disease

I’m continuing my series of recommended food ideas for those diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and today I’m focusing on healthy, liver-friendly dinner ideas. We have talked in the past about a recommended diet and I’ve even suggested breakfast, lunch, and snack ideas for you (I’ll offer links to those suggestions at the bottom of … Read more

Are Bananas Good or Bad for Fatty Liver? [Answered]

bananas and fatty liver disease

Bananas are some of the most frowned-upon fruits when it comes to fatty liver disease. The main reason why most people tell you to stay away from bananas is the high amount of carbs (aka sugars) they contain. And while this is indeed correct – bananas have a lot of sugar – they are not … Read more

Try to Eat as Much Organic Food as Possible if You Have a Fatty Liver

organic food

Key takeaways: When fighting against fatty liver disease, the diet you follow is probably the most important element for success. And switching to eating organic food is even better, as it helps you remove even more of the chemicals and unhealthy elements and additives. In today’s article, I will explain why you should do your … Read more

Is Watermelon Good or Bad for Fatty Liver Disease? [Answered]

watermelon for fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, but it can be reversed by following a proper diet, exercising and making the required lifestyle changes. Fruits are always a sensitive topic when it comes to what to eat with a fatty liver. Some experts say that you should stay away from … Read more

Best Salad Dressing for Fatty Liver

salad dressings for fatty liver disease

Salads are great, healthy choices when dealing with fatty liver disease. But you can really break a salad if you use a dressing that is high in fat and sugars – and most of the ones you can buy in stores, as well as those made in restaurants have all the ingredients they shouldn’t. While … Read more

Stevia and Fatty Liver: Is It Good or Not?

stevia plant and stevia powder

Stevia has been around for a while and is considered a miracle sweetener and sugar substitute, especially for those suffering from fatty liver disease. But, because nothing is easy or straightforward when it comes to MASLD (formerly NAFLD), a recent study actually showed that it might do more harm than good. Today, I am going … Read more

Can You Eat Pasta with Fatty Liver? (Plus Alternatives)

whole wheat pasta for fatty liver disease

If you’re here, you are probably in my situation: you love pasta. But if you’re trying to reverse a fatty liver, you probably know that you should stay away from eating pasta. And you’d be correct! A cup of cooked pasta usually packs 43 grams of carbohydrates and a modest 1.3 grams of total fat. … Read more

Soft Drinks & Fatty Liver: Can You Still Drink Soda?

soda drinks and fatty liver

Key takeaways As a huge fan of Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, and basically any type of soda, I know how scary it is to hear that you have to give them all up if you have been diagnosed with a fatty liver disease. You should stop drinking soda/pop if you have a fatty liver, mainly because … Read more