I Managed to Reverse My Fatty Liver!

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Back in September 2014, almost one month after I was diagnosed with a fatty liver, I launched this blog, convinced that I have what it takes to reverse the condition and regain my health.

The internet is amazing and you can find a lot of help if you want to and you know what to search for: I am saying this because my gastroenterologist at the time told me that I couldn’t reverse fatty liver and all I could do was keep it at the current levels and hope it won’t turn into cirrhosis and/or even worse.

I will surely remember for the rest of my life that moment – it was the moment when I felt that I was going to die. Literally. I went home and started crying. This is how bad doctors can ruin your life.

So I went online. I spent days, then weeks learning about fatty liver, learning how it works, why I got it, but also the most important part: how it can be reversed.

I found a new doctor who indeed told me that I can reverse that if I follow a healthy diet, lose weight and change my lifestyle and that’s exactly what I started doing.

1.5 years later, after my latest visit to my new doctor, after running the blood tests and ultrasound, I I received my great news: I no longer have a fatty liver. I managed to reverse my fatty liver disease!

I hope that everybody who suffers from this reads this article and realizes that IT IS POSSIBLE. So if you know somebody who’s been diagnosed, please share this article to let them know that it is possible to reverse it. And it’s not too hard either!

Pin it for later!

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You can read here a more in-depth article on how long it takes to reverse fatty liver.

It can be done and the feelings that you get when you hear your doctor say: “Your liver is clean, everything looks normal” is impossible to describe in words.

I managed to do it because I wanted to. I didn’t listen to the first doctor who said I couldn’t cure it, I didn’t care about anything else and instead, I stayed focused on my goal: that of losing weight, eating healthy, and getting rid of this fatty liver. And I did it! So can you!

Yes, it is true that just like most of the people out there, I love to eat. I love to eat all sorts of food, food that is bad for your health, food that gives me comfort.

Before being diagnosed with a fatty liver, I didn’t eat to survive, I ate for the taste, I ate to feel good.

I also drank alcohol moderately, again to feel good. I couldn’t imagine going out and having fun if there was no alcohol involved: I mostly drank beer and not a lot of it because I do get drunk quickly, but I still drank.

I was fat. I was obese. I didn’t care. I didn’t care because I didn’t know what that all meant.

And then my NAFLD diagnosis came and my entire world changed (you can read here what fatty liver actually is). My entire life changed. I realized that I have a family to take care of, I have a young son (he was just 1.5 years old at the time) that I want to see grow into a fine adult, I have a life that I want to live longer.

That was the moment when I changed everything about how I live and that was what saved me.

After reading a ton on this matter, I decided to build my own diet, based on the Mediterranean Diet: I still ate moderate amounts of cheese and other dairy products (Even though most people think that they should ban them), but I have NEVER EVER touched anything that was deep fried or very high in fat.

I reduced my intake of sugar by probably 90% and today I don’t eat sugar at all, except from the sugar that’s in the store-bought products (and I am always sure to check out the numbers and make sure that they’re low).

I am talking here about refined sugar (or brown sugar), as I am still taking a fair amount of carbs from fruits (I always ate plenty of fruits, contrary to some advice) and I use raw honey as a sugar substitute.

But still, everything is about 70% less sweet than what I used to eat in the past. And trust me, the food still tastes good.

Talking about sugar, I should say that I recently ate a chocolate cake bought from the store: it seemed so sweet that it was gross. That was my favorite chocolate before I got a fatty liver.

That was the kind of crap I was always eating and most of us do. We hit ourselves with tons of sugars and tons of fats which do nothing but please us, but take our health instead. That’s not a fair deal so please always have that in mind!

I believe that my diet was 90% of what helped me reverse my fatty liver disease.

I stopped drinking alcohol completely. I did not drink, taste, or take a sip of any type of alcohol for the past 1.5 years and it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Even today, almost 10 years after the initial diagnosis, I am not touching alcohol and have never touched it since.

Going out and having great deals of fun is still possible and it’s even better: I always have a clear head, there are no hangovers the next morning, it’s incredibly good!

I wrote more about the diet I followed here, but the basics are pretty common sense: eat everything that’s healthy, home-cook your own food from real ingredients, eat less, and use less fat and less sugar (ideally, no sugar at all).

I am eating a ton of vegetables, I am eating a ton of fruits, and very, very small amounts of meat even though I started to eat a bit more lately (I am always careful to eat the leanest meat possible, though).

My general rule of thumb was that I am allowed to eat any type of food that’s not completely unhealthy (like fried foods) in moderation.

And I think that’s the secret: eat a bit of everything to have a great diet, but don’t eat too much fat and/or too much sugar. It’s as simple as that! This includes pasta, rice, bread and other carb-rich foods. But very small amounts and I make sure not to combine them (so if I eat pasta today, I won’t eat any other carb-rich food).

I also started going to the gym and I did it pretty irregularly, unfortunately. I try to go there three times a week, but I also had large breaks during the 1.5 years since being diagnosed.

Still, I believe that the gym helps you a lot, even though you will honestly lose most of your weight from the change of diet alone, especially if you are like me: I spend about 50-90 minutes at the gym, and that’s not a lot.

But it helps, so do it: not necessarily for losing weight, but for getting back in shape. You will feel amazing, trust me!

I lost, since I was diagnosed, about 44 pounds. I am still planning to lose 6.5 pounds more because I want to be as thin as possible and because I feel amazing in my new body.

However, these last pounds are really difficult to lose: I think I only lost 1 pound in the past couple of months. But I’m not in a hurry. I will get there, slowly and let my body accept the new lifestyle change. I will get there. You can get there too.

You can check my about page to see how I looked before being diagnosed and how I look now. And let me tell you that it’s not just the health benefit that I enjoy from losing all that weight: I also feel much better in my skin!

I did have problems adjusting to the new lifestyle and my new way of eating. The first couple of months were very difficult because the food didn’t taste just as good because I had cravings. My body was begging me to feed it sugars and fried stuff, but I said no.

I didn’t allow myself to go hungry for too long and I always had some snacks around. I didn’t want to lose it after a few weeks and risk it all – but even without going hungry I was still losing a ton of weight EACH DAY.

That’s because, even though I was eating a ton of vegetables and fruits, I was still way under the tons of calories that I was feeding my body before: hamburgers, candy, cakes, greasy and fat stuff… so you DON’T have to go hungry to reverse it! You won’t starve and trust me, after the first month or two, you will love your new way of eating.

I now look at large steaks, at French fries and I hate them. I feel sorry for the people who eat them constantly and I look around and I observe that everybody around me is overweight.

That is unhealthy – but just like I was before getting sick, the people don’t know or don’t care. The system gets our money, gets us sick and allows us to die.

But we die with the impression of happiness, because we had that great burger that packed 2,500 calories alone.

Now I look at that burger that I used to consider the yummiest thing in the world and all I can feel is disgust. That’s not food. That’s illness.

But I did cheat, don’t get me wrong! I couldn’t have made it without cheating. Not in the first few months, but I did cheat. I love pizza, so I allowed myself to eat some pizza every now and then.

But even then, I made sure to go for the one with fewer toppings and less fats (I usually go for the vegetarian one which still tastes good, especially after you get used with all the vegetables).

I did eat a couple of times at KFC. I did eat large portions at some parties, I had cookies.

I was very close of slipping away from my plan this Christmas when all the goodies and the food and the people’s mood around me was different and I gain four extra pounds during the holidays.

But I just considered this a small bump in the road. I got back on track and back to eating healthy. And I still do.

And then… after all my work and dieting, I got the amazing news that I managed to reverse fatty liver. I was excited and I believe I had all the right to be so, but there is one very important thing to keep doing: remain the new you, even after reversing it.

The fatty liver can come back if we change our diets again if we return to the bad old habits. We have to stick to the new way of life – even though, maybe, we don’t have to be just as strict as we were in the first couple of months.

But it’s important to do what I did: understand the risks and not get back to your old self. I am living healthy, I am feeling a million times better, I love to look at my thin body in the mirror… why change that?

The disease was not the fatty liver. I was the disease and my body had no other way to tell me that.

It told me and I listened. You can do to. And have faith – if you do, your body will react. You will reverse your fatty liver. You will get healthy again.

Maybe it will happen faster than in my case, maybe it will be slower. But you will reverse it. I did it, everybody can! NEVER forget that!

PS: If you have any questions for me or suggestions for articles that I should write, let me know in the comment section below – I want to be as helpful as possible!

Please share this article!

50 thoughts on “I Managed to Reverse My Fatty Liver!”

  1. Hi,

    I came across your diary searching for what’s healthy and what to avoid when attempting to reverse NAFLD. I struggled with an uncomfortable inflammation for 3-4 years before having a sonogram done of my liver/gallbladder region. Later, a physician stated very simply “you have a fatty liver, and you need to diet and exercise.” Since then I’ve continued to neglect the issue, which flares up from time to time. Last night, it kept me up for two hours, and I finally decided I need to try to reverse this problem naturally–before it becomes more serious. I enjoy healthy foods, and I’ve tried to make them a permanent part of my daily routine…but the fatty cravings always seem to defeat me. I admit I could’ve overcome the temptation if I tried harder.

    I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your experience, and congratulations and much respect for having the will power to make it through. I wish you the best of luck in maintaining your health, but it seems like it’ll be smooth sailing from now on. 🙂

    • Thank you so much! We need the will power in order to get healthy and be able to fully enjoy what we like. I am sure that it’s not just me who has the will power to do this, nor it is you lacking it. You just haven’t tried hard enough so far, but maybe it’s time to change!

  2. Congratulations on reversing your fatty liver. I’ve read about supplements on this site. I was wondering if there were any that you personally were still using?

    • Hello, Demitrius! Sorry for taking so long to reply. I have only taken Milk thistle as a supplement, but only for two or three months. I also took the multivitamins and multiminerals recommended on the blog. I am not sure they helped and personally I believe that it’s still the diet which is the most important.

  3. Hi Lynn,

    Thank you for the article and information, it is greatly appreciated. I do have a question though.

    I was wondering if you had liver flair ups/pain before and during the reversal? I know not everyone gets liver pains but I do. I was having no pain for a week or so and decided to go ahead and change my diet to try and reverse. Now that I am eating much healthier, I am getting some pains in the liver area (it started a few days after my start date). It’s not debilitating but I’m hoping it’s a sign of detoxing. Otherwise I’m concerned I’m not eating enough calories and stressing my liver more.

    • Hello Jayme,

      Sorry for the late reply – I was away on vacation for a while.

      Regarding the pain, I had it before starting to do this and it slowly went away with time. It still got back every now and then, but I could definitely see an improvement pain-wise, not the other way around.

      Hopefully everything’s better by now.

      • Hi there. Hi Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with NAFLD in June of 2020. I was terrified because the more you google things, well it can be scary.
        Like you o researched and completely changed my diet. No more high fat or sugar. If baking I substitute the sugar for much less honey or maple syrup. I had a very strict regimented diet. I basically ate the same things every day and if I was going to someone’s home for dinner and I was something no didn’t feel comfortable eating I would take my own and warm it up. I took about a year but I got my numbers back to normal and then when I was feeling my best I fell off the good eating wagon. Now I’m struggling like crazy to conquer the cravings and get back to clean eating. It’s harder this time. I know my numbers must be up because my symptoms have started again. Feeling nauseous, brain fog joints aching etc. Hopefully I can get back to where I was because when I lost all the weight I felt fabulous!!!
        Thanks wendy

        • Indeed, the second time around seems more difficult, just as it is a lot more difficult to stick to your diet once you know you have reversed it. But we have no other option…

  4. Hello
    My blood test showed 68 on liver enzymes and I have been told that I have a fatty liver I took a new tour to the grocery store and found lots of low-fat things how many grams of fat and how many grams of carb and how many calories did you intake? Your article gives me hope I am overweight and I am hopeful thought losing weight and correcting my eating habits will help thank you for all of your hopeful post.

    • Hello Lacey,

      You should do some research on this – I have a guide on the diet to follow. Most people say that in terms of fat, anything over 20 is high and the lower, the better. Anything with added sugars should be avoided too – but with carbs it’s a bit more difficult since grains and fruits and even vegetables have high carb counts which are not necessarily bad. So just look for added sugar (and all the terms for masking it like fructose syrup, corn starch, corn syrup etc). I didn’t count calories – if you reduce portion sizes and eat healthy you don’t have to worry about calories too much as they will surely be low.

      Good luck with this! You can reverse it!

  5. Congratulations on your fatty liver reversal, Lynn. I’m diagnosed with Grade 2 fatty liver and enlarged liver. I’m diabetic too and doctors said it’s because of my malfunctioning liver . I have a basketball sized tummy due to the enlarged liver . I’m a complete vegetarian . Your blog is inspiring . I’m planning to follow your foot steps . Thanks

  6. Lynn, i’m so thankful to God people like you decide to take their time to write things like this article that can change so drasticly people’s lifes. God bless your heart.
    I been having liquid retention in my feet, ankle and legs underneath the knees over the last 4 months, didnt think to much of it as I work long hours sittong down amd thought I could just drink more water and liftimg my legs would help but it didnt, i’ve started to do the Mediterranean Diet as you suggested about 2 weeks ago and moderate exercise at least 20 mins every day…I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver and I was wondering if you had liquid retention in this areas too when you was diagnosed?

    • Priscilla, I am really sorry for the late reply.

      I didn’t have liquid retention problems when I was diagnosed. I am happy that you’re following the recommended diet and I hope that you’re already starting to see and feel improvements to your condition and overall well being.

  7. I have also Fatty liver for being overweight and Heavy drinker, i was diagnosed last August 2017 with fatty liver and Alt is 225/69, 1 month of NO alcohol, less sugar, NO pork or Beef and lots of vegetables my Alt drops to 68/69 and continuing my lifestyle to now (May 2018) my ALT is 36/69 but i still have mild fatty liver. Hope i can reverse it like you did.

  8. I have got fatty liver, and i think i got it because of rapid weight loss , now if i dont eat i get pain in my liver area and i think it means my liver dont like excess of fat because of dieting , i want to be cured but iam scared that weight loss will cause more fat in the liver, iam confused what to do?

    • What do you mean by rapid weight loss? How much are we talking per week? There are voices that claim that a fatty liver can indeed be caused by rapid weight loss, but I lost up to 1.5 kilograms per week (especially early on) and got rid of it, not made it worse.

  9. I was diagnosed with Nash in December 2017. Liver enzymes were normal but showed up on ultrasound. Doctor said I will always have it but it shouldn’t affect life expectancy. I was devastated but saw a naturopath and he said I could definately reverse it back to normal. He said to cut out all highly refined sugars like fructose/glucose, high fructose corn syrop, alcohol etc. I was drinking a coke a day plus beer binging on weekends. Diet not so great either. Lots of foot long subs and processed foods. I was 6/1 232 and through lifestyle lost 50 pounds in 6 months. Now I’m 180 and feel much better overall. I was so bloated and lethargic before. I’ve been working out hard using Hiit training 4-5 days a week since diagnosis and that plus diet has been huge. I still get mild aches around liver area but they are much more surpressed than before, and not as frequent. I’m due for another ultrasound in the next few weeks and am nervous but think I am on the right track. Its only been 6 months for me so I just tell myself to be patient as it could take a year or 2 from what I’ve heard. Thanks for your blog, it has really helped give us all hope.

    • Kyle,

      You’ve done really good so far. I personally believe that your weight is good right now – you can go further down just a few more pounds or keep it as it is. I am sure that your fatty liver has improved a lot too. It usually takes a bit more to get back in shape and get rid of the pain, but you will get there. You made amazing progress in these 6 months!

      Now just keep thinking how hard it was to get here and don’t return to old habits. The fatty liver will return as well!

  10. I am just following up from my June 5th post. I have just received news my latest ultrasound was completely clear from not only all the fat on the liver but also the much more dangerous inflamation etc associated with Nash. He said he had never seen or heard of anyone reversing this stage of it, especially in only 6 months. I was originally told that with lifestyle changes it can hopefully be managed so it doesn’t take a turn for the worse. What worked for me was i lost over 20% of my body weight to a normal BMI and did high intensity interval training about 5 days a week, cut out basically all sugar, alcohol and most treats except dark chocolate. Ate lots of fruit/veggies/whole grains. I still had red meat, not much fish at all, but took daily vitamins plus Alpha Lipoic acid, N-Acetylcysteine, milk thistle and a probiotic. A naturopath and a nutritionist set the course for lifestyle modifications and supplements and that helped a great deal.

    Good luck to all, you can do it and will feel great. Train hard, get in shape, clean up your diet and you will have success!

  11. I will further add that I ate chicken quite a bit, hard boiled eggs, sprouted whole grain bread. The real key I was told from my naturopath is its not the fats that make us fat, its the sugar. Bacon etc, maybe its fine. I had a bit of fatty foods but not much. But I completely cut out refined sugars, pop, dressings, bbq sauce. No cookies, chips anything bad I basically stayed away from it. Also zero alcohol. Not a sip in 7 months. I had a headache for 4 days straight in December when I cut out sugar cold turkey and it felt like I was going to die. I haven’t had one since. Stay the course and if you give your body a chance to heal, it can do amazing things. Be well.

    • Congrats, Kyle! That is indeed an achievement and hopefully more people will follow your example to reverse their fatty liver.

  12. I was just recently diagnosed with fatty liver and also just changed my diet from carbs, carbs, carbs and more carbs. I found that my liver also has pains now after starting my diet. Is this normal? I was also wondering if anyone else went through a phase of feeling fatigue and sleepy throughout the day. And if yes, how long did it take before you started to get your energy back on track?

    Great blog by the way


    • There are many people who experience what you describe here. The pain is usually located in the right side of the abdomen and the fatigue can be either because of the fatty liver itself – or if you’ve been cutting sugars, a result of that. It takes some time for the body to adjust and heal.

  13. I have fatty liver but if iam doing the right thing dieting and clean eating i get pain but if i eat junk food the pain goes away does pain in the liver with dieting means it is getting wores or getting better?

    • Healing is a long term process, so you should stay away from junk food even if it seems that the pain goes away. Most likely, the pain you are talking about is caused by the liver being enlarged and pressing on other organs, as the liver itself does not hurt. It takes time for it to get back to its regular size and eating junk food definitely doesn’t help.

      If you really believe that some of the foods that you might be eating are causing pain (which could be the case if you have IBS, for example), you should try to eliminate a food type, see if the pain goes away and find if there is any of the healthy foods that you eat causing trouble. Usually, something like a specific type of fresh vegetable might cause this.

  14. Diagnosed with F1 fibrosis a few weeks ago, but have had a fatty liver for a few years. Didn’t take care of it, hence the F1 fibrosis. Doc says since it is in the early stages it is still reversible. I am so confused about my diet. I have lost about 12 lbs in the 6 weeks since my diagnosis. Stopped alcohol at the same time. I have been eating a low fat diet and trying to manage sodium and carb intake. I have had a cheat meal once a week since then and hoping that is ok.

  15. I have been recently diagnosed with NAFLD. This article was the best thing to read, it was a good pick me up but I also feel it’s rare for a liver to reverse itself.
    I’m going to follow the Mediterranean diet and quit smoking and see if that makes a change.

    Thanks again for this beautiful read.

  16. Finally, after weeks of researching I have finally found this page! I’m looking forward to the upcoming changes in my life being made because of now having a fatty liver. Hey, at least we all know what’s going on and how to fix it, right? – I just wanted to point out that my AST/ALT scores have been dropping in just a matter of weeks. Of course it will take more time based on each individual, but to see numbers drop in just weeks makes me feel even more confident that I can do this…. WE CAN DO THIS! – I was visiting Colorado and ended up in the ER due to a very bad side pain. Funny, they never figured it out. But they did blood work and mentioned my high liver enzymes. Took me a month to get a doctor’s appointment at home and within that month my AST went from 175 to 85 and ALT went from 304 to 280. Progress is progress! And what diet I was abiding by was called “the gut cleanse” (branch off of the ‘Clean Program’). It’s good stuff! Now after heavy research I am on the “Mediterranean Diet” train. My mind set::: if I took years of treating my body like garbage and not putting it first – the absolute LEAST I can do is take these next months, years to make up for it. Sorry for writing so much – but if you read this and want support let’s make it happen. 🙂 —

  17. Hi Lynn. Well done. It was inspiring to read your story and the success you have had. I have always known that I was doing the wrong thing with my lifestyle but kept going anyway, even though I feel awful, look awful and could die soon…age being 63 now. I had an ultrasound of my abdomen looking at my gall bladder as I thought I had stones and it picked them up…as well as a fatty liver! Now, thats the best thing to happen to me because I am taking action due to the seriousness of the situation. I have cut out all sugars and processed foods, eating only whole food. I gave up alcohol years ago so thats no problem. I have yet to start the exercise but will soon..its only been a week since the scan.
    I feel confident that I can beat this and turn my life around for the last years that I have left. I think they are going to be the most healthy I have been for some time.

  18. congratulations Lynn,I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and had a fibroscan done and have grade 3 fatty liver and zero fibrosis.My liver is slightly enlarged also. I was a hundred pounds overweight and I’ve lost 55 pounds in 6 months and cut down my sugar,also taking supplements.I too feel discomfort in my liver once in a while.I was wondering what test was used to diagnose your liver?Im very scared but determined to loose the rest of the weight and never abuse my liver again! Thank you for your story!

    • Great progress, Merri! I am sure your liver looks and feels a lot better now than it was 6 months ago. You’re definitely on the right track!

      In order to diagnose it, an ultrasound was the main way to go, but they also did a blood test (I always forget its name) which is accepted as a replacement for a liver biopsy (and obviously less intrusive). That’s a really expensive test, but I live in Europe where things are cheaper than in the US.

  19. Hey Lynn, I want to ask, whether or not you were obese when it was diagnosed? I’m just 20, and also my BMI is well within normal range, despite that doctor has told me that I have a fatty liver by looking at my ultrasound. What would you say it to that?

    • Yes, I was well overweight when diagnosed. However, there are many fit people who have it. In your case, it’s a bit more difficult to say why you got it, but it could be anything from genetics to unhealthy eating habits (even if you are not overweight – lots of carbs and fats are bad no matter what), medication or other health problems.

      You should discuss with your doctor what should be done next and how to try to reverse it. If you’re not already doing this, eating healthy and exercising a lot is the thing that you should do, even if your BMI is normal. You probably don’t have to lose weight, just eat clean food and exercise.

  20. Lynn,

    Thank you for publishing this site. I will use it as a guide to hopefully reverse my fatty liver. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver in 2017 but my doctor provided no suggestions on how to reverse it. She only said that I have it from years of bad eating habits. As an Italian man, pasta, pizza, sausage, and meatballs were a staple at the dinner table so it has been difficult to change old eating habits. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014 and had that taken care of. I was also diagnosed with an enlarged spleen and two enlarged lymph nodes. Had a biopsy done which was negative for cancer but my doctor diagnosed it as sarcoidosis which is a centuries-old autoimmune disease with no cure and no known origin. This year I was also diagnosed with a non-specific abnormality on my pancreas so I am now taking charge of my diet and I just hope it is not too late. I’ve cut out beef, wheat, gluten, and dairy and replaced them with wild caught fish, organic fruits, organic veggies, almond milk, organic green tea, and plenty of water. I’ve also upped my exercise regime from 1-2 days a week to 5 days. My BMI is 30.5 and I could stand to lose 15 pounds so I feel that I am almost there. I feel that the prostate cancer, fatty liver, enlarged spleen and lymph nodes, and non-specific abnormality on my pancreas are all related to diet. The fact is that we know we should eat healthier but our society emphasizes unhealthy choices at the grocery stores and at restaurants. It is up to us and us alone to empower ourselves to reject this false narrative forced upon us by the food industry.

    • Thank you for your message, Felix! Sorry to hear about all your problems, but you seem to be on track. Stick to the diet and changing your lifestyle and I am sure things will get better sooner rather than later!

  21. Excellent article! Thank you so much for writing this! I am 26, with End-Stage Renal Disease and on Peritoneal Dialysis. I have also just been diagnosed with a Fatty Liver. My G.I. Doctor said that I just need to eat more fruits and vegetables. I have done that but I do get cravings every now and again. I do have some questions for you, if you do not mind.

    1. Is it true that green tea and coffee is good for helping cure the liver/
    2. What was your work out regimen? How many times a week and for how long?
    3. What kind of salad dressings did you eat? I enjoy salads but I like ranch and sometimes honey mustard. Do you have a recommended brand or type?
    4. I am trying to lose weight but I have plateaued at 170 lbs. Any suggestions on how to keep losing weight without making my fatty liver worse?

    Thank you, again for writing this blog. I love it and you are such great support. I am looking forward to the day that my G.I. Doctor tells me my liver is no longer a fatty one.

    • Hello Sarah! I answered most of these questions in previous articles, so take some time to read through them as you might find even more useful information.

      1. That’s what I heard as well. It doesn’t seem to hurt, so no reason not to drink these.
      2. At least 3 times per week – going to the gym for cardio (treadmill): 45 minutes of running, about 7 kilometers per session.
      3. Just plain home made mixes: extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar. You can mix these in a glass with a bit of water and a teaspoon of mustard too – delicious!
      4. If the 170lbs are not your ideal weight, the only thing you need is to get calories deficit in your diet: either by reducing the amount of food/calories you eat, or by doing more exercise.

      Good luck with this!

  22. Hi, thanks for the article!

    I would like to share my story. I’m 23 yo male diagnosed with NAFLD this spring. I cut all sugar and trying to limit carbs intake. I don’t drink (and never did) alcohol so this is not a problem. My ALT/AST levels were 153/43 in April and now (August) they are 69/25. I drink coffee every morning and sometimes green tea. Unfortunately, I can’t go with Keto diet as my gallbladder sometimes acting up…

    I see some people say that they have pain in their right upper abdomen, I have it too, but this is caused by my gallbladder. So it may be a good idea to check it as well as you may have excessive bile in it or biliary dyskinesia.

    • Yes, definitely, good point. A visit to the doctor is mandatory when you get the symptoms. In my case, they also initially believed that it was the gallbladder that caused the problems – but it was not.

  23. Since corn is one veggie to stay away from, is cornstarch listed in some foods a no no as well? Thank you for all your great tips and taking the time answer everyone’s questions.

  24. Do you avoid all fats or just trans & saturated fats?

    I’ve been doing the calorie restriction, carb & sugar avoidance, etc… But I’ve only been avoiding trans and saturated fats while embracing mono & poly unsaturated fats (nuts, olive oil, fish).

    I’ve had very good success bringing my weight down 60 lbs in 5 months, and getting my triglycerides, ALT, & AST all in the normal levels. What I don’t know is if the MRI & Elastography will show actual improvement when it is done in 6 months.

    • I personally tried to avoid all types of fats, but your approach is really good and I see no reason for you to change it. Keep it up and I’m sure your next visit to the doctor will come with good news.


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