Can You Eat Chocolate if You Have Fatty Liver? [Answered]

dark chocolate for fatty liver disease

After being diagnosed with a fatty liver (aka NAFLD), we know we have to give up sugar and sweets, among other things. In my case, this was the biggest challenge – and I am sure I’m not alone here. But does this mean we’re not even allowed to have low sugar chocolate such as dark … Read more

What Is the Best Oil for Fatty Liver?

best cooking oil for fatty liver disease

Choosing the best type of oil when you have a fatty liver can help you reverse your condition faster, by providing the required nutrients your body needs and also ensuring that you’re not putting in any harmful substances. In today’s article, I will tell you exactly what type of oil to choose if you suffer … Read more

Does Milk Thistle Help Reverse Fatty Liver Disease?

Milk thistle for fatty liver

Of all the dietary supplements that claim to help you reverse your fatty liver disease, faster, Milk Thistle is probably the one that you hear about most often. But is it really that good? Does Milk Thistle help reverse a fatty liver? We’re going to talk about it in today’s article. Hopefully this will help … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs with a Fatty Liver? [Answered]

eggs and fatty liver

Eggs are delicious and highly nutritional, being a favorite for many. But can you eat eggs if you have a fatty liver? Eggs are not part of the foods recommended for fatty liver, but you can eat them in moderation. If you suffer from NAFLD, you should not eat more than 2 eggs per week, … Read more

Can You Eat Tofu if You Have a Fatty Liver?

can you eat Tofu with a fatty liver

Tofu is a great substitute for regular cheese and an ingredient many people consume regularly. But can you eat tofu if you have a fatty liver disease? We’re going to go in depth with this in today’s article. The short answer is: Yes, you can eat tofu if you have a fatty liver disease. Apart … Read more

Coffee Creamer Alternatives for Fatty Liver Disease

coffee creamer alternatives for fatty liver disease

I was recently asked by one of this blog’s readers what is the best coffee creamer alternative for those diagnosed with a fatty liver disease. I decided to share the best alternatives today. Since coffee is such an important part of our daily routine, I am sure you will find it useful, especially if you … Read more

NAFLD & Wine: Can You Drink Wine if You Have Fatty Liver?

wine and fatty liver

“I can stop eating bread, I can stop eating sweets, but don’t take my wine away!” This seems to be the thing that many people who are being diagnosed with a fatty liver say or think. But, shouldn’t you really stop drinking wine if you have NAFLD? This is exactly what we’re going to talk … Read more

Is Chicken Good for Fatty Liver? [Answered]

eating healthy chicken for fatty liver

Many people believe that, once you’ve been diagnosed with a fatty liver, you have to stop eating meat, including chicken. But that is not correct. Meat in general – and chicken in particular – can still be part of a healthy diet for NAFLD. Today, we will learn more about eating chicken if you have … Read more

Can You Eat Sushi if You Have a Fatty Liver? [Complete Answer]

can you eat sushi with fatty liver

Sushi is a dish consisting of cooked rice served with raw fish and vegetables. While there has been no conclusive evidence of negative health effects of eating sushi for healthy individuals, people might have to stop eating the popular Japanese food if they have fatty liver disease. Even though it does have fish – which … Read more

Fatty Liver & Lemon Water: Does It Help?

lemon water for fatty liver disease

Probably one of the first things you are told to do after being diagnosed with a fatty liver is drink Lemon Water. But is this lemon water really going to help you reverse your fatty liver? We’re going to talk about all the assumed benefits today. Lemon water has some benefits that are assumed to … Read more